Fire Alarm Detection

Fire Alarm Detection

Projects Links Keeps Your Fire Danger in Check

Projects Links specializes in providing products and solutions that are reliable, flexible and customized. As a trusted and reliable partner we fully support you with our experience and expertise during every step of your project; whether it is planning, system integration, installation, or maintenance and repair.

We study the fire ordinances for buildings in your area to determine the local regulations and requirements before we begin to design your fire detection system. A viable fire alarm detection system is made up of several elements that together provide you with a high level of safety in case the worst ever happens.

The fire detection system can be made up of smoke detectors, heat detectors and chemical detectors. These detecting systems are hooked up to an alarm system that provides a warning to the building inhabitants.

In addition to these elements, Projects Links supplies all of the related systems to assure you of fire safety.

  • Primary and back-up power supplies
  • Notification Systems
  • Fire Alarm Control Panel
  • Initiating devices
  • Building Safety Interfaces